So yesterday me and the boy took a well deserved break and ran to London for the day!
We headed for the SHOWstudio exhibition which is on at Somerset House at the moment. We walked in and went up to the desk to buy our tickets, which at £4 was an absolute bargin! Then who should walk in the door behind us, but Jodie Harsh! She'd just got there for her sitting with Nick Knight, and was sporting an amazing black sequinned jacket with gold studded shoulders and elbows, along with a pair of tie-dye joggers and a huge fluffy candyfloss pink hairdo! It was so surreal, literally just walked in and stood right next to us!
Anywho, we went in and faced the mirror room which was really cool, kinda reminded me of the house of mirrors at a circus. Next was the giant statues of Naomi. This interactive piece involved projectors projecting peoples thoughts/doodles/words onto the huge statues. There were two drawing screens (one in front and one behind) where people can draw on the statues in various colours and brush sizes. We had quite a bit of fun with this and mine was clearly the best :p (the left one on the picture below!)
Then we moved on to the actual exhibition which was split into 3 sections - Process, Performance and Participation. All three were designed to get you thinking about how the power of the internet has turned fashion into this ever changing, accessible, interactive being and to really bring you into the world of SHOWstudio....

love the photosss