So every year the British Fashion Council hold a graduate preview day in London where industry professionals get the chance to look at and asses the new graduate talent that are about the enter the industry from fashion colleges around the UK.
I was going to blog about this when it happened but i was crazily busy at the time!
Anyway, a few weeks ago i was lucky enough to be chosen to show my work at this day to represent UCA Rochester. I wasn't the only one of course but when i was looking through the BFC's website to see what they had reported from the day, i came across an image gallery.
There was one picture that showed work from my uni and when i saw it i couldn't help it but get a little excited! It was a picture of the cover of my magazine! My work. They'd actually spotted and picked out something of mine!
Now don't get me wrong, im not going off on some crazed, self-obsessed rant but it just amazed me that out of all the work that got sent from our uni, mine was the one that got photographed. The reason for my excitement is that i never get picked for big exciting things in the first place, so to have some of my work selected and to then get spotted was a bonus!
I didnt win anything mind you, neither did my uni, but it was exciting all the same!

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